Yes, you're seeing what you think you're seeing! This is indeed a full-on dining experience situated not on the patio of a famous city bistro, nay, but among the numerous branches and leaves of trees! What's that you say? You've always wanted to experience what Ewok life is like on Endor? Well then, these are some top choice eateries with which you can live out that experience! Check out the night pictures in the link below for more than the Wok Experience... this is the Ewok Experience.
This first picture in particular reminds me of an elven establishment in the highest reaches of Lothlorien Forest in Middle Earth. It reminds you of The Lord of the Rings as well, does it not? You know what, that's probably because "The Yellow Treehouse Restaurant" here is located in New Zealand, where much of the filming for the epic trilogy took place!
The Treehouse Restaurant, Bar and Grill in Costa Rica sounds like a neat place to hang out and grab some fresh South American coffee. If you want to ditch the authenticity and go for the free internet access, that's always an option too.
On the other hand, in the UK is found a warm and cozy tree house restaruant by the name of the Alnwick Garden Treehouse Restaurant; basically a wooden castle in the trees. Don't believe me? Well you should, because I'm just telling you what I know. That and this picture proves it. Seems like a pretty neat place to stay and have a nice country meal does it not? I'll bet the veal stew is nice. Speaking of the United Kingdom, I'm planning a little trip up there in November. I wouldn't call it little, come to think of it, because I have been waiting to go to Europe for a long, long time... Anyway, another post perhaps.
The Bushwick Ridge Treehouse Restaurant looks like something of an outpost one might find at Jurassic Park. Found in South Africa and surrounded by the topography of yellowwood trees, it would feel completely natural to me if I looked to the side and found I was eating my Kudu dish alongside a brontosaurus chowing down on some scrumptious foilage. That's just how I feel. Looking at pictures, one might feel the same way. Look for yourself below! Very interesting spin on dining, I must say. With that, I tip my hat and say au revior!